Letter: TV referendum

Bob Taylor (Letters, 13 October) makes a reasoned plea for separating the AV referendum from the Scottish Parliament election.

Sadly, his idea of a structured debate is negated by the very nature of party politicians. They would campaign along expected party lines.

AV like many non-first-past-the-post systems allows you to get the second-best candidate (as Labour leadership candidate David Miliband found out) and would make little difference to the quality and integrity of our elected representatives. Far better in these times of economic stringency to minimise costs and hold the referendum along with the Scottish elections on 5 May.

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Alternatively, perhaps we could persuade one of the television channels to hold a programme - Strictly X for AV- with a phone-in vote.

The turnout would probably be higher and the money could go towards paying for higher education or the mothballing cost of the carrier we don't need.



Gairloch, Wester Ross