Letter: Turbines backlash looms for MSPs

A GREAT letter from Professor Anthony Trewavas criticising wind turbines and politicians (Debate, 9 January). Where is the politician who will break ranks and admit that wind turbines are a failed and expensive experiment?

All our politicians, especially those in Scotland, need to do is read the letters pages in national newspapers such as yours.

All our politicians need to do is look at Germany and Denmark long held up as an example by our "green zealots". Germany has 21,164 turbines and Denmark over 6,200, but they have now admitted that they are a failed and extremely expensive experiment since their CO2 emissions have gone up and not one conventional power plant has been closed. In the UK, subsidies for each turbine range from 200,000 to 600,000 a year for 25 years.

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Developers do not harvest the wind, they harvest subsidies and the cost is added to our energy bills.

Our politicians have a duty to listen to the electorate, not vested interests such as Renewables Scotland. Ask your MSP before the May elections what their stance is. I have and, dependent on the answer, will vote accordingly.

Clark Cross, Linlithgow

NIMBY or not (News, 2 January), the present arctic conditions provide a stark illustration of the chasm that exists between the elite of the global warming obsessives, and the rest of us ordinary people.

While they warn us of the danger of warming, we struggle through knee-deep snow and skid on ice to get about our daily business.

While they host luxury conferences on how to cope with a Saharan future, and demand ever more research funding, we keep an eye on our elderly neighbours who can't afford to heat their homes.

While we sleep in airport lounges waiting for ice to be cleared from runways, they tell us not to confuse weather with climate change.

These people have lost touch with reality, except the reality of selling their incredible story to governments daft enough to keep them in comfortably funded pointless research.

Malcolm Parkin, Kinross