Letter: Time for a trim

Providing "striking view points, parking and service areas" would, indeed, go a long way to increase the attractions of our scenery (Perspective, 7 October). However, another cost-effective way to boost tourism would be to give our roads and railways a long overdue haircut.

Road and rail travel through some of our most beautiful countryside is akin to passing through a green tunnel. Self-seeded trees and overgrown bushes combine to rob travellers of a priceless experience. We get occasional glimpses of what could be when a stretch of road is upgraded. Unfortunately, this lasts only for as long as it takes the authorities to organise yet more mindless screening.

There are obvious traffic safety benefits to be gained, not least in respect of wildlife. It is estimated that deer are involved in at least 40,000 road accidents each year. Clearing away dense growth adjacent to our roads would normally allow these animals to be spotted in time. Now there's an interesting idea: why don't we get the Health and Safety Executive to overrule the tree-huggers on this one?


Netherton House

Biggar, Lanarkshire