Letter: The nanny state

All our leaders seem to think in symbols and to jump on every passing bandwagon. They are like society dollybirds slavishly following fashion, no matter what. We already have the climate change craze and the mania for speed cameras, traffic bumps, energy-saving bulbs and smoking restrictions. Now we have unanimous agreement north and south of the Border on minimum pricing for alcohol.

All our leaders seem to think in symbols and to jump on every passing bandwagon. They are like society dollybirds slavishly following fashion, no matter what. We already have the climate change craze and the mania for speed cameras, traffic bumps, energy-saving bulbs and smoking restrictions. Now we have unanimous agreement north and south of the Border on minimum pricing for alcohol.

Because a minority of young idiots drink themselves silly, the vast majority who wish only a social drink with friends or a glass of wine or beer with a meal have to suffer. The price will not reduce binge-drinking one whit.

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Only the majority suffer, as we do with speed cameras, road bumps and all the other irksome restrictions on our freedom. Oh for a political leader with some originality of thought.

George K McMillan

Mount Tabor Avenue
