Letter: That's not racism

So, fresh from losing yet another high-profile case (Tommy Sheridan's perjury trial), Aamer Anwar is playing the race card - by claiming Muslims are boycotting Glasgow Airport.

Is he claiming with a straight face that Scottish Muslims are going to Manchester Airport rather than Glasgow because they're being discriminated against? Why Manchester specifically? What about Newcastle?

Or for that matter nearby Edinburgh and Prestwick? Or are Glasgow and Manchester simply the only two airports he's familiar with?

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It's impossible for airport staff to know your religion unless you volunteer it - it is not required data on a UK passport.

Anwar, you've had a good run. You've managed for a decade on the back of hacks looking for emotive copy to get away with your stand-up routine of claiming everything from the police to you not being given the last Rolo as all being down to "institutionalised racism".

It's time to grow up.

Mark Boyle

Linn Park Gardens

Johnstone, Renfrewshire