Letter: Tax the super-rich

Reading Bill Jamieson's article "Where are the aces to be found?" (Perspective, 14 October), I cannot help but feel pessimistic and gloomy - the exact opposite of what he had been trying to achieve.

We are told that Scotland and the rest of Britain have been through difficult times before and we have overcome such difficulties, a true testament to the British mentality. Therefore, we are not to panic about the economic woes we face now.

The "four aces" offered to boost our optimism of the state's current position do not truly reach the core of the economic issues and stark inequalities in Scotland today. The fact is the richest six million own 400 billion in private wealth, while the poorest 10 per cent have serious negative wealth. These are the figures we should be focusing on, not trying to find "aces" up our sleeves. We would not have these debates on cuts within the public sector if we were to tax the super-rich appropriately.


Rupert Street


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