Letter: Sport not for all

Judy Murray (Letters, 13 April) is right: sport can certainly play a positive role in children's development. But physical exercise, team skills, social development, self discipline, positive character traits, etc, can also be gained through other activities.

The three potential downsides of sport are that some kids just don't like it, some kids are not much good at it (and know it, and know that their peers are reminded of it every time they perform), and childish dreaming of sporting fame can morph into delusional neglect of more realistic career paths.

Judy Murray's concern about the low participation rates of girls in sport seemed to commit the common error of assuming that difference is evidence of a problem to be solved or a prejudice to be eradicated.

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Could it possibly be that on average girls are just naturally less interested in sport than boys, regardless of other factors?

Richard Lucas


I completely agree with Judy Murray but unfortunately it seems Perth & Kinross Leisure Trust has not read her letter.

It has just announced that as of 1 May swimming entry charges will rise by nearly 30 per cent, and for those in the age group 60-64 by more than 80 per cent.

Clearly this is an organisation that has not taken on board the message that Scotland needs to improve access to sport facilities for all sectors of the community. If other leisure trusts such as Fife can limit entry charge rises so it doesn't discourage the use of its facilities, why can't Perth & Kinross?

Gordon Hannah

Reid Crescent

Milnathort, Perth & Kinross