Letter: Sleazy spectacle

IS IT just me getting on in years, or was there something inherently sleazy and disgusting about the final of X Factor on Saturday?

Are the highly-sexualised and provocative displays of performers like Rihanna and Christina Aguilera plus her backing dancers suitable viewing for the young and impressionable and are they a clear example that we no longer care about the content of popular television shows?

As a society, we continually complain that commercial interests inflict a stream of material of a sexual nature at those least able to cope with it. Admittedly this is to some extent dealt with by showing it after the 9pm watershed, yet blatant displays of this material are still allowed on prime-time television. The producers of X Factor and Simon Cowell are well aware of the influence this show has and should be held to account for their cynical complicity in the destruction of the morals of the young.


Keith Street


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