Letter: Royal cheer

ANDREW Gray obviously does not like the SNP and he is entitled to his opinion (Letters, 2 May). However, he is factually incorrect in saying that a vote for the SNP is a vote to ensure that never again would Scotland be entitled to take part in such celebrations as those for the royal wedding.

Firstly, the SNP policy is for an independence referendum and voters, including Mr Gray, are entitled to reject such a proposition at that time even if they re-elect an SNP government on Thursday.

Secondly, abolition of the monarchy is not SNP policy, so the Queen would be head of state for Scotland after independence, just as she is head of state for counties such as Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Of course, it is possible that Scots in an independent Scotland would choose to abolish the monarchy, but until that time we could still celebrate a royal occasion to the extent and with the same enthusiasm as we do now.


Fernielaw Avenue
