Letter: Religious studies

Alan Hinnrichs (Letters, 20 September) suggests that I would do well "to study history". Whilst I am grateful for his advice, I have to say "been there, done that".

It was my studies as a history student at the University of Edinburgh which convinced me that the biblical analysis of the human condition was true.

Secular humanists tend to be well-meaning people with a great faith in the goodness of human nature, and the superiority of their own reasoning.

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The new atheist fundamentalists also tend to have an alarmingly simplistic view of history (witness Mr Hinnrich's assertion that the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were caused by an American president having a vision from God). It is a dangerous and disturbing combination which the Pope was right to warn us about.

Whilst religion may have slain its thousands (and one thing history and logic teach us is that there are vast differences between religions), atheism has slain its tens of millions. And that is a fact of history.


Solas Centre for Public Christianity

St Peter Street, Dundee