Letter: Put facts first

YOU were good enough to publish my letter on 21 January anent our public "servants" who patronise us by ignoring the fact-based criticisms of their policies by informed commentators and concerned professionals in your columns.

Two other examples are the Edinburgh trams project (instead of trolley buses and/or re-instating the suburban railway) and the massive expense, despoliation and possible dangers of subsidised hilltop industrial turbine sites for negligible economic or environmental benefit (Letters, 28 January).

So over to you, Vic Emery, in your new role chairing both Tie and TEL (your report, 28 January). Give us the full facts, credible forecasts and true costs, and eschew weasel words like "up to", which invariably render the statement misleading or meaningless.

John Birkett

Horseleys Park

St Andrews

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