Letter: Proms pomp II

George M Sinclair (Letters, 12 September) wonders if the BBC were isolating Scotland and Ireland in the finale of the Last Night of the Proms – we can’t blame the BBC for the weather in Wales. I suspect the real reason is the delays in digital communication systems. It was clear that even just over the road in Hyde Park, they were out of sync; in Co Down, they were almost three bars behind.

Such delays make for uncomfortable viewing, though the London director did show a few brief shots; the director in Dundee wisely stuck to wide shots, mainly from behind.

It is virtually impossible to avoid this problem on a live broadcast; even deliberately delaying the Albert Hall coverage doesn’t work, because the different delays from remote sites are unpredictable in advance.

But I agree it’s about time they got Auld Lang Syne right. Technology would surely allow the display of the proper words, at least in the Albert Hall.


Wilton Street
