Letter: Power play

Dave Morris (Letters, 10 March) is right, and even a small concession by politicians on the proposed Beauly-Denny power line is welcome, but there's an election in the offing.

However, he should have made the vital point that renewables, at least in their present forms, are now recognised in Continental Europe as a power-generation failure, with no carbon-sparing potential benefits. A gigantic fraud is being foisted on us.

Energy minister Jim Mather, and all their other proponents, must know that.

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The SNP government have not admitted they got it wrong and must halt further installations. If they don't do that, it will be clear that they give not a bawbee for Scotland and the Scots.

Scotland has coal and Canada has shale gas - very adequate sources of power - while cleaner means are being developed, perhaps nuclear fusion, which must now be properly invested in, using money transferred from the vain, futile but costly attempts to control the climate by curtailing CO2 output.

(Dr) Charles Wardrop

Viewlands Road West
