Letter: Power failure

In HITTING on the head what deserves to be the last nail in wind-generated electricity's coffin, Clark Cross (Letters, 7 September) reminds us of the essential New Electricity Trading Arrangements (Neta) website, which we plead with those in political power to study and monitor.

It is almost incomprehensible that the people in charge of our nation should persist in supporting, with our money, such white elephants as these turbines, now debunked as any hope for Scotland's, or the UK's, future supplies of electricity.

Enthusiasts for the windmills have tended either to be idealistic but uninformed or financial beneficiaries - there's a lot of our money to be made, and wasted. How to categorise the politicians who favour them is difficult.

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Perhaps some think their risk of "loss of face" is unacceptable, but such people should bear in mind that their responsibility to our country is immense and that to change one's mind is no disgrace.

Wind turbines have proved to be a failed experiment in engineering and economic terms, both here and on the continent. Political leaders ought to be man or woman enough to admit that, and develop more-rational policies for power generation.

(Dr) Charles Wardrop

Viewlands Road West


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