Letter: Parents forward

Hugh Reilly's wry perspective is, as ever, amusing in its response to the proposals that parents become more involved in school life (Comment, 25 September) but he should concentrate more on his homework; he is losing marks for both knowledge and understanding of the subject in hand.

School boards have long since been replaced by parent councils - a different animal entirely which places the emphasis on participation of the many, not the few.

If Hugh was doing his homework he would also know there is clear evidence that young people do better at school if parents are involved in their children's education - and that generally starts with involvement in the life of the school community.

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Contrary to Hugh's opinion that less is more, more parents means a more balanced view, less skewed by the few.

So, I'm sorry Hugh, but the "seen and not heard" model - for parents as well as youngsters - went out long ago. Many in the teaching profession understand that.

Sadly, however, too many enthusiastic beginning teachers are taking their skills elsewhere as they can't find jobs in the profession they studied hard to enter.

My response to that? Out with the old and in with the new!

Eileen Prior

Scottish Parent Teacher Council

George Street
