Letter: Open University still has places

AS THERE has been considerable media coverage concerning the lack of places available at Scottish universities, we would like to remind you that the Open University in Scotland has over 500 undergraduate and over 150 post graduate courses available and has no cap on its student numbers.

Registration for our courses starting in October remains open until 9 September and we are also accepting registrations for courses starting in November and February 2011.

The OU is Scotland's leading provider of part-time higher education and is now the first choice for many students. Studying on a part-time basis enables students to combine work and study, and thus gain the work experience that can bolster their employability prospects.

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The OU is 'open access', which means there are no formal entry requirements for most undergraduate degrees and we have courses starting at different points throughout the year. For more information on studying with the Open University call 0845 300 60 90 or visit www.open.ac.uk/scotland.

Dr James Miller, Director,

The Open University in Scotland