Letter: Nuclear dangers

In a release of radioactivity from a nuclear power station or from nuclear submarines, the critical isotope is deemed to be radioactive iodine 131 as it is more harmful to children, as it will be taken up by their thyroid gland which will stop their development.

In order to safeguard themselves they are asked to take non-radioactive potassium iodine tablets, the theory being that as the radioactive iodine 131 comes along it can't enter the children's thyroid gland as it will be filled by the non-radioactive Iodine.

In light of the Japan nuclear disaster people are now aware of the dangers. The question I would like to see debated is: should people living within 25km/15.5 miles of a nuclear power station or nuclear submarine base not be educated in the potential dangers so that they will be better prepared if it ever was to happen again?

John Connor