Letter: No magic wands

With reference to Tim Cornwell's piece, "Film Festival needs a true star to lead it" (1 October), I wish to note that Mark Cousins' wonderful Indian cinema season of 2009 was mounted as part of that year's Edinburgh International Film Festival - and that the budget for the event, which Mr Cornwell seems to think was a pittance, was in fact generously supported by the British Council and the Scottish Executive.

Without their help, it simply would not have happened; unfortunately, rare film prints - and major film stars - don't bring themselves from India to Edinburgh for free. Inspired thinking brings such events into the realm of possibility, but they can't become realities without hard practical work and substantial financial backing.

This applies to all arts organisations; to imply that they should all be miraculously capable of making spectacular events happen for nothing doesn't assist them in garnering support or attaining excellence in the future.

Hannah McGill

Edinburgh International Film Festival


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