Letter: National defence

HOWEVER near we may be to the collapse of the euro and the overblown EU, the European Parliament has been debating this week a common European security and defence policy which, in itself, would, if enacted, end our individual British national existence.

The rapporteur (leading the debate) stressed the need for the 27 nations of this multilingual, multinational Tower of Babel to bring to an end the wasteful “overcapacities” of the varied armed forces of the European nations in both offensive and logistical formations. In short, Britain’s defence forces are to be absorbed and directed by the High Command of the EU.

From the South Atlantic, Argentinian sabre-rattling tells us that British interests in the Falkland Islands are at risk again. If we fall under EU military control, as this debate illustrates, we will have lost our power of national interest and defence.

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David Cameron’s valiant performance at this week’s critical treaty debate indicates that he is coming of age in the process of being a truly British statesman. He must follow this star and he will gather the support he has lost in his years of immaturity.

Alastair Harper


by Dunfermline