Letter: MPs the problem

FIRST or Alternative Voting method - who cares? It is not the system that is the problem, it's the MPs (and MSPs).

No lessons have been learned from the Cameron and Clegg hustings when they promised everything that the electorate wanted to hear only to have a complete about-face when elected under the pretext "we didn't know there was such a big hole in the nation's finances". Were they sleeping in opposition?

Now the Scottish electorate is being treated to the same nonsense. Party leaders promising all things to all people (250,000 new jobs, 125,000 apprenticeships over five years, no compulsory redundancy for public sector employees, everything free, etc.).

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Everyone knows they can't be delivered. Who will our politicians blame, Westminster?

The important point is, will an alternative voting system make the elected person more accountable for what they promise during their election campaign? I don't think so.

It may promote even more extravagant pronouncements. Will it create better government? That still depends on the individual and the party they represent. Someone being elected by more than 50 per cent of the votes is pretty meaningless really.

MA Underwood

Friars Brae


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