Letter: Miliband loyalty

In his first speech as leader, Ed Miliband told the nation: "You saw jobs disappear and economic security undermined and I understand your anger at a Labour government that claimed it could end boom and bust" (your report, 28 September).

While I fully agree with the content of that statement I was somewhat taken aback that it should have flowed from the lips of the Honourable Member for Doncaster North.

After all, "Red Ed" is the former policy wonk of Gordon Brown and, as such, bears at least some responsibility for the financial disaster the coalition inherited.

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Miliband was chairman of the Treasury's council of economic advisers and if he had such concerns about government policy he certainly kept them strictly to himself.

I am sure his colleagues have noted that neither brotherly love nor loyalty to his former mentor have been allowed to stand in the way of his manifest destiny.

(Dr) John Cameron

Howard Place

St Andrews