Letter: Making Woopie

As it appears that the only pensioners who will lose under the latest Budget changes are not poverty-stricken, shivering grannies, but those who will reach retirement age in the next two years while still enjoying a reasonable level of earnings, surely a more accurate name for the so-called “granny tax” would be the “woopie tax”, those affected being “well-off older people on independent incomes”.

As it appears that the only pensioners who will lose under the latest Budget changes are not poverty-stricken, shivering grannies, but those who will reach retirement age in the next two years while still enjoying a reasonable level of earnings, surely a more accurate name for the so-called “granny tax” would be the “woopie tax”, those affected being “well-off older people on independent incomes”.

Jane Ann Liston

Largo Road

St Andrews