Letter: Load of rubbish

Inspired by a VisitScotland advertisement, I recently took my young family on a trip to the Orkney Islands.

While we enjoyed our stay immensely, thanks to the wonderful scenery, wildlife, history and people, I could not help being absolutely appalled by the amount of roadside litter which completely blighted our journey from Aberdeen to Thurso.

I cannot imagine what foreign visitors think when they come to visit this "wild and historic landscape", only to be greeted by mile after mile of unsightly litter.

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Surely something more needs to be done to deal with this mess, which some of our fellow citizens force upon us.

Do government and local council cutbacks now mean that there will be no collections or tidying up of litter and fly-tipping from roadside verges and lay-bys?

Obviously the louts who find it acceptable behaviour to leave their litter lying around are to blame.

However, more should be done to educate the public and punish the offenders who defile our countryside and cities.

For the record, I am not some kind of miserable guy who complains about everything.

Calum Cormack

Barclay Park

Aboyne, Aberdeenshire