Letter: Lib Dem woes

The SNP is indeed fortunate that Willie Rennie is leader of the Liberal Democrats.

Bar the risible attack by befuddled unionist strategists on the popular and sensible suggestion of John Swinney to enforce a small tax rise on supermarket profits, I can remember no other reaction so absolutely silly as that of Mr Rennie's attack on the SNP government's proposal to cut corporation tax.

I imagine that if there was still some cordiality towards the Lib Dems surviving in some Scottish boardrooms or Scotland's business community that will have gone now the same way as the Lib Dem vote.

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In fact, I'm puzzled and wonder what is the target audience Mr Rennie seeks to impress. All informed people are aware that the most usual effect of a cut in corporation tax is increased investment in businesses, economic expansion, more jobs and more companies moving in and setting up - and increased revenues to the government as a positive result of this.

I suppose if Mr Rennie is aiming at the uninformed proportion of the electorate he may well be connecting with the core Lib Dem vote.

I wonder if he cleared this latest sally with his bosses in London.

Dave McEwan Hill


Sandbank, Argyll