Letter: Hyper hypocracy

David Robertson (Letters, 24 January) is correct in his observation that it is wrong to equate all those who criticise or question the teaching and practices of Islam with the BNP.

Nine out of the top ten countries which place the most restrictions on religious freedoms are Islamic ones. It is also true that a fundamental unchallengeable dogma of Islam within the Hadith is that the penalty for apostasy is death.

However, David Robertson demonstrates hypocrisy. Whenever anyone dares to criticise or challenge his fundamentalist Christian viewpoint he immediately labels that person a fundamentalist atheist and equates them with the regimes of Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao and Hitler. He is as guilty of false equivalence as those who claim all critics of Islam are fascists.

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He is absolutely incapable of accepting that his Christian faith has killed and enslaved hundreds of millions.

Rev Robertson and his Wee Free Church seem to long to take Scotland back to the dark days of Knox.

Alan Hinnrichs

Gillespie Terrace
