Letter: History lesson

IT WAS interesting to read that the Wode manuscripts are to be re-united after 400 years (your report, 20 July).

Also of equal interest was the remark by Jane Dawson, professor of Reformation history at Edinburgh University, that "Thanks to these beautifully illustrated manuscripts, we have a fascinating insight into Scottish history."

However, may I point out, for the purpose of clarity in Scottish history, that the composer of the St Andrews Psalter, Thomas Wode, was not a Presbyterian minister between 1562 and 1592? Also, may I draw attention to the fact that extant evidence clearly dictates John Knox was not a Presbyterian minister?

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Anyone who believes that in 1560 Scotland underwent a reformation whereby one day it was a Catholic country and the next day a Presbyterian country is sadly lacking any insight into Scottish history.

Imlach Shearer

Carslogie Road

Cupar, Fife