Letter: Give us answers

INNUMERABLE concerns arise from the hostage rescue attempt in Afghanistan.

The BBC's Nicholas Witchell was forthright in his comment about the use of fragmentation grenades in such a circumstance. He seemed flabbergasted and not a little disgusted. There are reports of tribal elders counselling against a rescue attempt. Apparently, they were involved in negotiating the release of aid worker Linda Norgrove. Also, why did no British personnel take part in the operation?

Many of the concerns about this failed rescue operation apply to plenty of incidents in Iraq and Afghanistan during recent years. Maybe this time, for a change, we might have some credible assessments of what went wrong.


Forman Drive

Peterhead, Aberdeenshire

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Those criticising the attempt by US special forces to free the courageous Linda Norgrove are wrong. The blame for her death rests firmly with the Islamic extremists who kidnapped her and were on the point of handing her over to al-Qaeda in Pakistan, not with the soldiers who tried to rescue her.


New Cut Rigg
