Letter: For the record

May I be allowed to respond to Mr AH Gray's letter (19 August) in which he challenges my claims for the Battle of Carham.

It is not for me, an non-academic, to gainsay what Mr Gray says. However, what I did claim in my original letter was based on the published works of three historians - R S Rait, C Stewart Black and Alan Orr Anderson - who all assert that the Battle of Carham was fought in 1018.

As to the consequences of that battle may I quote Alan Orr Anderson (from Early Sources of Scottish History): "Cnut's unsuccessful war with Malcolm appears to have been that of 1018, in which the Scots obtained the Territory of Lothian."

The other two historians I mention above make similar statements. I can say no more.

Robert M Dunn

Oxcars Court


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