Letter: Fond memories of Kenneth McKellar's voice

I ENJOYED reading Peter Ross's article on Kenneth McKellar (Insight, 23 January) and was saddened that nobody seems to remember him at all. Well, I can assure you that there is at least one person in Germany who does, and has been doing so for the last 50 years.

In fact, I grew up with his songs (and those of other fine Scottish singers) and so fell in love with Scotland. I remember attending performances of McKellar at Dunoon's Queen's Hall and also seem to remember a panto called A Wish For Jamie. My record collection of Scottish songs numbers approximately 13 records of McKellar, including one with Handel arias.

So you see nothing and nobody is really forgotten or lost, only nobody seems to know where they go.

Gisela Hess, Frankfurt, Germany

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