Letter: Fair way to Green

Your editorial, "Greens paint their wagon Red" (20 April) suggests there has been a sudden lurch to the left by the Green Party. As a party member for over 30 years, I can safely say the Greens have moved very little in the political spectrum in that time, and I would hardly rate a 0.5p increase in the basic tax rate at a time of swingeing public spending cuts as a hallmark of the far left.

Greens begin with the premise that the world's resources are finite and are being exploited at a rate which is unsustainable.

The logical conclusion is that all resources need to be shared more equally if we are to ensure basic survival for all. Greens have also always maintained that a fairer and more equal society is a prerequisite to avoiding conflict, reducing crime and improving general well-being.

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None of this has changed in three decades. What has changed is that people are starting to realise we are not, and never have been, a one-issue party.


Broomieknowe Gardens



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