Letter: EU squanders our religious heritage

"RACE to lead an Ireland that has lost its soul" is a tragic and accurate description by Gerald Warner (Insight, 20 February) on the sorry state of affairs in Ireland today.

Yet can anyone honestly say that the religious and economic decline in Ireland is any different to the plight suffered in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France or any countries in Western Europe that have forsaken their Christian heritage and allowed the atheist European Union to govern all aspects of our lives. The recent opinion polls indicate the British public demand a referendum on whether we should remain part of the EU or withdraw completely. The three main political parties are hell bent on ensuring the United States of Europe becomes a political reality.

In a few months, the Scottish elections will take place and one must question if our lives have been enhanced since the creation of a devolved parliament. If the answer is no, this would surely be a reason for one to abstain from casting a vote. Whatever party emerges as the victors, the concerns of the voter will be ignored regarding immigration, a referendum on Europe, harsher sentences for criminals, restoring law and order to the streets, ensuring children receive the education that will enable them to compete with the rest of the world, and making the workshy seek employment. One certainty is politicians will continue to line their pockets with fat salaries, expenses and pensions.

Yes, Mr Warner, one can say that regardless of who wins elections in Europe, the countries that once were proud of their Christian past will still have lost their souls.

Evelyn Pelosi, Edinburgh