Letter: Democratic view

THE main part of Lesley Riddoch's article ("A willingness to pay the price", 8 August) speaks of Norway's reaction to the recent shooting tragedy. She rather undermines her analysis when she casually says at the very end: "Let's hope that one of Europe's youngest democracies is mature enough …"

Norway had a written constitution in 1814 while still under Swedish rule, and gained full independence and democratic rule in 1905. It had full male suffrage in 1898, full women's suffrage by 1913, and was the first nation to have women candidates for parliament.

It was a founding member of Nato and, as Ms Riddoch describes it, is a haven for free speech. But what makes her comment so revealing is not only the above but also the obvious fact that Norway is a much older democracy than Germany, Italy, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, the Baltic states and all the former Iron curtain states.

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Many consider that Scotland is yet to join even these recent arrivals in independence and full democracy. It would help if an eminent journalist such as Ms Riddoch would adjust her focus on the world and recognise our lowly democratic status in Scotland, particularly in comparison with Norway.


Main Street,

Scotlandwell Kinross-shire