Letter: Debating Islam

Lady Warsi's carefully spun speech (your report, 21 January) makes the not unreasonable plea that we should all reject the Islamophobia of the likes of Pastor Terry Jones.

However, her speech is typical of the shallow and simplistic thoughts of so many of our leaders. Is it really the case that the only choice is between accepting that Islam is just another expression of cultural pluralism or adopting the ignorance of the likes of Jones?

What if Islam is what it claims to be: not just one religious opinion among many in a pluralistic multi-cultural society, but rather a way of life that demands total allegiance in every sphere of life - from the social to the political?

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Is it Islamophobic to ask which countries run by Islamic law genuinely allow freedom of religion? Are Muslims free to change their religion?

Until the government and others start taking seriously the differences between the political and social views of Islam and those of Christian-influenced Western liberal democracies, the political spin of the government will remain the greatest recruitment for the far right.

I for one resent the implication that just because one questions Islam one is immediately grouped together with the BNP.

Can we have a serious discussion about this or are our politicians so spineless that we are reduced to meaningless spin in the press?

David A Robertson

Solas Centre for Public Christianity

St Peter Street
