Letter: Christian rights

DR STEPHEN Moreton and Alistair McBay (Letters, 16 August) both described disapproval of homosexual sex as a "prejudice". But why should this moral standard be described as a "prejudice"? Is disapproval of premarital sex or adultery "prejudice" against the unfaithful?

Many Christians view homosexual sex (a behaviour) as immoral, not orientation (partly an inherent characteristic). Hence, comparisons with racism (an inherent characteristic) are not valid. My previous letter was not a "tirade" but many describe even the most temperate articulation of the Christian view as such.

Dr Moreton and Mr McBay both claimed the tide of history was on their side.

For decades our society has indeed been hurling itself headlong into relational and sexual chaos, but following fashion is not a factor in my moral thinking.

Richard Lucas



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