Letter: Census question suggests SNP-led bias

Our census form has just arrived. How biased can our civil servants and political bosses in Scotland get?

The cross of St Andrew figures prominently on it and the documents are entitled "Scotland's Census, 2011".

Question 7 asks: "What is your country of birth?" and lists Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, but does not specify the United Kingdom or Great Britain.

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I do not consider Scotland to be a country in this context. I was born in Scotland, which I regard as a component part of the UK or Great Britain.

My normal answer to the above question would be either the UK or Great Britain, not Scotland.

Although proud to be Scottish, I regard my country as Great Britain and, as far as I am concerned, all Scots have been British since 1707.

What's all this with the Saltire and Scotland's Census? Are the SNP trying to brainwash us all into their way of thinking? They have no hope of succeeding with this descendant of a Highland clan - Scottish yes, but British first and foremost!

George K McMillan

Mount Tabor Avenue


Recognising atheism's lack of intrinsic appeal, atheist campaigners have to rely on demonising religion instead.

Inviting people to tick the "no religion" census box is hardly an inspiring message.

Christians are not campaigning to gain more ticks in the "Christian" box, but are offering a message of ultimate hope and salvation.

It seems that the number of secularist and atheist organisations is multiplying, along with their grand titles, but I imagine that their memberships are tiny.

Richard Lucas


Broomyknowe International Christian Foundation

