Letter: Blair's regret

Now that the media analyses of Tony Blair's A Journey are receding I have had time to have a cursory glance at a haphazard selection from its 718 pages and the following poignant lines evinced my feeling that this perhaps is the "regret" which Mr Blair has, so far, failed to express publicly. But then, I fear I am a cynic.

"Leo could have been on that Tube train, on that bus. Oh God, don't let my children die before me. I think of the grief of it, of the fathers and mothers of the soldiers who died in Iraq, in Afghanistan, of the other people, buried in the rubble of Baghdad or Kandahar. Think of the horror. My responsibility.

"I quietly closed the door to Leo's room and paused for a moment to throw it all off me. Let me forget for a while. Till the time comes to put it back on."

JA Allen Fleming

Joppa Park

East Lothian