Letter: Bankers' worth

I recently had the humbling experience of meeting and observing 30 or so British soldiers undergoing rehabilitation at a golf club. All were amputees and none would have been over 30. I was struck by their uncomplaining good humour and high morale despite their horrendous injuries.

Most of these young men will probably live the rest of their lives on a modest pension provided by the state. In comparison, Stephen Hester, another "public service" employee, is apparently to receive a bonus of 2.5 million on top of his substantial salary.

No doubt he makes some difficult decisions in the RBS boardroom. However, that environment should be free of IEDs. In one year he will receive more than any of these injured soldiers would receive in several lifetimes.

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I know where I'd prefer taxpayers' money to go. Of course bankers squeal they will all leave the country unless they receive outrageous amounts of our money. There are a couple of straightforward and appropriate two-word replies to that - the polite one being "please go".

David Borrowman

Muckhart Road

Dollar, Clackmannanshire