Letter: Bad Alternative

THE governing of this country has for many years been firmly based on the democratic principle of one man, one vote. Why then are we bothering to consider the Alternative Vote system?

Under AV, voters effectively have more than one vote, all apparently of equal value. If a voter's first choice vote is discounted in the first round of voting, then his second "half-hearted" choice still has the value of one vote in the second round of voting and counts as equal to those votes which have been the first choice of other voters. It would surely be better to allocate a reduced value to non-first-choice votes, reducing the second choice votes to half value say, the third choice votes to one-third value, and so on?

This arrangement would undoubtedly reduce the risk of extremist candidates being elected by default and also reduce the likelihood of the UK being saddled with inappropriate and unworkable coalitions of undeserving minority parties with doubtful agendas.


Easter Currie Place

Currie, Edinburgh

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