Letter: Article spoiled my Mad Men surprise

I AM quite new to the television series Mad Men but find myself hooked - I picked up a box set last week and have already watched the first five episodes of season one. From my limited exposure I can tell that the critical praise which has been lavished on this show is warranted and I am looking forward to watching the rest of the show and getting "up-to-date".

Therefore it was with some pleasurable anticipation that I picked up your Review supplement (5 September) to find that there was a feature on the show written by Barry Didcock. I found it to be an interesting and engaging insight into the programme and the genre it inhabits. But in the seventh paragraph my enjoyment faded and the realisation struck that as well as being a talented feature writer, Mr Didcock is also a colossal and quite singular idiot.

Thanks to Mr Didcock generously revealing major plot points for the first two seasons - without any "spoiler alert" - he has short-circuited any enjoyment that I could expect to garner from the revelation of these twists. A good feature should inspire emotion and debate. Mr Didcock only inspired an acute sense of anger.

Alec Martin, Edinburgh

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