Letter: Animal abuse

Michael Kelly's hugely insensitive piece on animal welfare (Comment, 29 October) is a disgrace. So it is all right to dump a living creature in a wheely bin?

A lot of recent research suggests that animal abusers often move on to become child abusers.

He writes at a time when 193 governments are meeting in Japan to discuss the near extinction of the blue whale as a result of human insensitivity and greed.

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Here, thousands of creatures suffer and die each day in factory farming production lines. There is a lot more that Michael Kelly could usefully have written about.

Alan Clayton

Letters Way

Strachur, Argyll

I am concerned Mr Kelly may be getting over-agitated about our love of pets. It may be time for him to find a way to unwind, lower his blood pressure and exercise regularly. I recommend getting a dog.

Andrew Morris

Abbey Park


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