Letter: Airport insult

Perhaps Edinburgh Airport's £1 drop-off charge might not seem too awful, but what if you escort your elderly and slow moving passenger to the check-in desk, and take more than ten minutes from entering to exiting the drop-off area?

Does 5 seem fair to you? It gets worse. The airport is now encouraging you to treat the same area as a pick-up zone. How many people can predict exactly when to enter the pick-up zone, get their luggage off the carousel and get back to their car in under ten minutes, even in the unlikely event that the plane arrived exactly on time and disembarked its passengers in the space of, say, five minutes? So, another fiver for BAA. What kind of people devise these schemes? My answer to that would be rude people. And do they go home at night and expect to be treated with decency and fairness?

Ian Taylor

Manse Road


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