Letter: Action on alcohol

IS IT not about time our MSPs got together in tackling the countries problem drinking? I am fed up with them squabbling on party political lines to try and score points.

The SNP has come up with the proposal of a minimum unit price, which has its problems; however, it is condemned by Labour as unfair to poor people, while they themselves suggest that no alcohol is sold for under cost price and taxes/duty - which will also cost the poor extra.

Labour also suggests a commission is set up. We all know that a commission is a tool for delaying any decisions having to be made while seeming to do something.

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There is a problem to be addressed which will cost lives the longer it is delayed, not to mention the avoidable extra costs incurred in health and policing. It is surely time for all parties to get together to come up with proposals on tackling this problem.

Price is not the only answer, but it is an option. I used to smoke and, despite all the warnings on health, it was the cost of smoking that finally got me to stop.

Also we should try and address our attitude to drinking and getting drunk, which seems to be looked on as a funny thing to do. Perhaps allowing only pubs and off-licenses to sell alcohol will encourage more responsible distribution of this product; after all, a supermarket that loses its drinks license will not lose its business.

For those who say price has nothing to do with it, look at how many people pre-load on cheap drinks before going out to a pub or restaurants.


Fairspark Terrace

Bo'ness, West Lothian