Leader: Worrying revelations in care home debacle

NEWS that the Forfar-based Balhousie Care Group, owned by Tony Banks, will be taking over some 20 to 30 of the 98 Southern Cross care homes in Scotland will have been met with immediate relief by residents whose lives have been blighted by revelations of appalling treatment by staff and more recently by financial uncertainties overhanging the company. But the longer term ramifications will bring little comfort.

According to Mr Banks, some of the Southern Cross homes are so run down and suffering from under-investment that his company could not contemplate taking over the financial liability. These homes will struggle to find a new operator. Meanwhile, other homes, he fears, will have to impose substantial increases in fees for residents by as much as 100 a week, due to years of neglect and under- investment.

The Southern Cross debacle is a disconcerting revelation of the challenges - human and financial - we will increasingly face with an ageing population. Such care is labour intensive, and the ever-rising expectations of professionalism and medical care mean costs will rise inexorably. The wider issue is that the Southern Cross saga has highlighted concerns over government plans to reform care services and encourage out-sourcing and private service provision. That may well have advantages. But it cannot be embarked upon without public assurance of government supervision and a safety-net for unfortunate situations such as this. Looking after the elderly is about more than property values.

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