Keep euthanasia illegal

Joyce McMillan's article on the dangers of reforming laws on assisted suicide (Debate & Opinion, 31 January) is both timely and wise. It is paradoxical that, just as the Scottish Government publishes Living and Dying Well, a national action plan for palliative and end-of-life care, Margo MacDonald MSP produces a consultation paper arguing for the legalisation of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS).

Such legislation is not compatible with maintaining and improving the high standards of palliative care which exist in Scotland today. Palliative care values individuals to the end of their natural lives and strives to relieve suffering of patients and their families.

Every country or state which has legalised euthanasia or PAS has a lower level of palliative care than Scotland. As a caring society, we should heed Joyce McMillan's warning and reject attempts to legalise euthanasia or PAS.


Dick Place
