Justin time

The refreshing humanity of ­Justin Welby (your report, 29 August) makes the case for mainline churches looking beyond dons and ecclesiastical wonks when it come to choosing new leaders.

As with our current set of “professional” politicians, a necessary requirement for entry to the ministry should be proof that the candidate has actually been employed in a real job.

The new Archbishop of Canterbury told evangelical leaders what most people know: “The young think your attitude to gay people is totally wrong and equate it to racism.”

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This is exactly what the admirable Archbishop Desmond Tutu has been saying for years and it is about time a leading British churchman had the courage to support him.

As a former oilman, Welby has clearly been exposed to one of the fundamental rules of science: there is no proposition one should feel it is one’s duty to believe.

(Dr) John Cameron

Howard Place

St Andrews