Just a bit rich

What gems your reporters mined from Tuesday’s Conservative Party Conference (your report, 2 October).

“Cameron revives promise of (John) Major’s classless society” – that was back to basics with ­Edwina Currie, as I recall.

And the SNP’s Stuart McMillan accusing David Cameron of “expecting the people of Scotland to buy a pig in a poke from Westminster”, when all the time I thought that that was precisely what the boys frae Holyrood were offering us. You know what they say – it takes one to know one.

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Finally, the Eddie Barnes stiletto found the sweet spot between Boris Johnson’s shoulder blades by identifying him as “the panto king of the Tory faithful”.

Maybe not, Eddie; Boris looks more the panto villain every day. The faithful should warn Cameron to look out – “He’s behind you!” Or should that be: “Here’s Bor-is!”?

David Fiddimore

Calton Road
