Janice must stay

I was just settling down with one of my “weekend treats” – the crossword – when I noticed the horrible news of the BBC Scotland decision to axe Janice’s Saturday morning show – the first, (chronologically) of my “weekend treats”.

I am appalled and angry. Janice is a superb broadcaster. Her voice is warm, sincere and has a delicious blend of sexiness and Scottish homeliness which is quite unique.

I am convinced that thousands of listeners agree with me. Her two-hour programme can be relied on for an extremely appealing and enjoyable blend of strikingly well-researched interviews with well chosen folky-pop-country music of the highest class in that genre mix.

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It achieves this within an unmistakably Scottish perspective.

If they take Janice away they won’t find me listening to their station on Saturday mornings; I’ll be over on Five Live or Radio 2 – I might even try Radio Forth!

Colin Stirling-Whyte

Hainburn Park


I am sure I am one of the many thousands who find Janice Forsyth’s Saturday morning show the perfect start to the weekend and then switch off as soon as the uninspiring, boring chat by so-called football pundits starts.

Real sport lovers will be watching the football or rugby or taking part in sports anyway. Also there are other sports besides football, some of which we are quite good at.

A Edwards

Tom Morris Drive

St Andrews

Why on earth does Radio Scotland propose to drop Derek Bateman and Janice Forsyth from its schedule? These two presenters are intelligent, interesting and do their research.

Weekday programmes are so dreary that it’s easy to miss switching on in time to hear John Beattie at lunchtime, the only programme worth listening to until Ian Anderson.

Saturday mornings, in contrast, have been a joy, with Out of Doors, followed by the above two and John Beattie (yes, again).

It beggars belief that the dire Good Morning Scotland, with its giggly, gabbly style of presentation, is to be given another morning.

Perhaps it’s very cheap.

Has anyone asked listeners what they want?

Heather Brash

Castle Douglas