Israel’s rights

It IS not fashionable to defend the state of Israel or its approach to the vexed question of Palestinian independence. What appeared to be missing from Allan Massie’s analysis (Perspective, 28 September) was a simple statement to explain the apparent stubbornness of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

It is simply that since 1948 there have been not just military attempts to destroy the regime; this has been backed by regular statements from various quarters that it has no right to exist and should be destroyed.

When faced with actions and rhetoric of that kind it is scarcely surprising that the government does not just take steps to secure its borders. It needs to prepare with rigour to counter offensive action, be it of a terrorist or military nature.

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What was missing from the recent Palestinian plea to the United Nations for statehood was this: their leaders needed to declare unequivocally that they recognise the state of Israel and denounce any violent or rhetorical attempts to undermine its very existence.

That would need to be backed up by actions to demonstrate sincerity. Even the protests about unauthorised Israeli development in the West Bank ought not to get in the way of that pledge.

It may take years to convince Israel that the pledge was genuine. But if it can be accepted, it might pave the way not just for a new state based on the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. It might lead to a more co-operative attitude towards those Palestinians who have long settled in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. Many of them have prospered despite the problems of the past 60 years, but would no doubt yearn for their citizenship status to be clarified once and for all.

Bob Taylor

Shiel Court


Does Alan Massie have any understanding at all of what he means by saying “Isreal must now learn magnanimity”?

For the past 63 years the Arabs have been trying to destroy Israel, “wipe it off the map” and kill all off its Jews. They don’t even hide that ambition, but trumpet it aloud.

Writing that Israel “must learn magnanimity” is the same as saying that “Israel must now commit suicide”.

Flora Selwyn

North Castle Street

St Andrews