Island's power of good

I read with shock what two of your readers said about the Isle of Eigg's new electrical infrastructure (Letters, 4 February).

They comment on the "excessive" cost (22,000 per building). However, they are forgetting what that means. Currently, islanders spends an average of nearly 100 a week on diesel to provide electrical power for their homes, and that's only when they need it, which may be for less than 12 hours a day. This is 5,200 a year just for electricity. Assuming the fuel costs stay static (which they won't), this comes to four years and three months' financial payback time. This is very cheap as the system will no doubt last at least 20 years with no further major capital infrastructure investment.

And I've not yet even mentioned the improved energy security, quality of life and boost to building and land value.

Readers need to look further than the end of their (4x4) car bonnets before they go knocking down Eigg's terrific system.


Clifton Road
