Ill thought-out

Fife is in the process of electing 12 lay members to join Fife Health Board.

I have been sent a ballot paper containing the names of more than 60 candidates, from which I am asked to select up to 12 choices in order of preference. There is also a booklet in which each candidate has a few lines to put forward their case.

Unfortunately, there is no information about the role of the health board, nor the duties and responsibilities of the board members, nor an explanation of how electing members will make a difference to the way things are done (I believe members are currently appointed, though I do not know by whom). I do not recognise any of the candidates' names. So, although one can only applaud the principle of involving local people in the running of the health board, the effort is so half-hearted that it is impossible for the layman (ie myself) to make any sensible decisions.

I therefore regret that I have had to spoil my ballot paper and return it unanswered.


Church Lane


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